Living Fictions workshop
The Living Fictions workshop will explore storytelling and fiction in relation to real-life memories and experiences of city space. Led by Ernest Truely and Robin Ellis, participants will collaborate to create a patchwork quilt of narratives, both individually and collectively, loosely modelled around physical locations visited by the Pixelache tram during the festival weekend. Participants are encouraged to combine material from their own histories with speculations, dreams and fantasies that may or may not be possible.
The workshop output may take any form of narrative voice, in m/any languages: stories, comics, performances, poems and songs are all welcome. On Saturday 26 September, workshop participants will present these fictions in the form of a “guided tour” during one iteration of the Pixelache tram loop.
The workshop takes place on two days - an evening session on Monday, 21 September and an afternoon session on Tuesday 22 September. Participants may attend either or both workshop sessions, and will present their narratives on the tram, Saturday at 14:30.
About the facilitators
Ernest Truely is an American artist based in Tallinn, Estonia. He is a founding member of Error Collective and an accomplished artist, organizer and lecturer. He teaches New Media Art at the Estonian Academy of Arts, Baltic Film and Media School and Aalto University. He will also be responsible for Ernie's Pop-Up Spa throughout the festival.
Robin Ellis (Sac Magique) is an illustrator, printmaker and artist based in Helsinki, Finland. He uses gouache, felt tips, airbrush and printing techniques to make images that often finish their lives on the computer. Clients have included H&M, Nokia (RIP), Nordiska Kompaniet, Elle, Wired Magazine, Bloomberg Businessweek and Karhu.
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